fraternity menstruria
fraternity menstruria, a german “burschenschaft”, is based in cologne on the rhine – world-famous for its traditions. their colours are red – orange – yellow – green – blue – violet.
princess agroppina is the founder of fraternity menstruria. she was born in cologne on the rhine on a rough winter night in 1789. revolution was put into her cradle. it was november 23rd. at midnight, her royal mother therese screamed for her life and gave birth to agroppina in terrible pain. therese died that night and her daughter was the last of a total of eight children of therese.
with the help of ominous figures, therese had already had seven abortions before – each time in the face of death, as information about medically justifiable abortions was unknown to her. even today, women* are still denied easy access to information about abortions. although eight children were enough for the court, her husband was still insatiable. as no intestine stopped his fertile sperm, therese was constantly pregnant. but not even her death stopped her! her daughter agroppina should have a different fate than therese herself – a bright future!
agroppina spent her childhood and youth under the strict supervision of her governess friedelda. agroppina’s life was dedicated to higher education and fine arts. she travelled the whole world. she rode through her life in flowing garments. the ribbons in her hair fluttered wildly in the wind. she was very smart, beautiful and full of unbridled lust for life. her maid luna was her faithful companion. luna was courageous, strong, beautiful and intelligent. they loved each other under the glowing sun of the african savannah. in the loneliness of the chilean mountains no leaf fit between the two. but their love had to remain hidden, otherwise death would have threatened them. in the eyes of the broad majority of society and the ruling authorities, their love was contrary to morals and decency.
together with other strong, courageous, intelligent and rebellious women* they founded fraternity menstruria in 1818. their common goal was to fight for the introduction of matriarchy, the abolition of men’s suffrage and a 100 % quota for the staffing of all public offices with women*. well, of course our founders* didn’t know about the “*” yet – reaching for the stars in the sky was motivation enough!
numerous successful women* from politics, business as well as the educational elite are members* of fraternity menstruria. a strictly feminist* alliance for one’s whole life. long live matriarchy!
heil menstruria!